NABARD Assistant Manager Syllabus , National Agriculture & Rural Development Bank Assistant Manager (Grade-A) Exam Syllabus Download Check NABARD Assistant Manager Exam Pattern, NABARD Assistant Manager (Grade-A) Selection Process .
Candidates who are searching for National Agriculture & Rural Development Bank Assistant Manager Syllabus can get the complete details. If you prepare well, first you have to proper understanding of the exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern this will help you more chance to get a job in this recruitment.
NABARD has been recently released the notification for the recruitment of 154 Assistant Manager vacancies. The written examination will be conducted on Available Soon. Candidates can check further details NABARD Assistant Manager (Grade-A) the official website portal of the National Agriculture & Rural Development Bank (NABARD) is
NABARD Assistant Manager Exam syllabus
Organization Name : National Agriculture & Rural Development Bank (NABARD)
Name of Post: Assistant Manager
Total Posts: 154
Category: Syllabus
Selection Process: Preliminary, Mains Exam and Interview
Job Location: Central
Official Website:
NABARD Assistant Manager Exam Pattern
NABARD Grade A Preliminary Exam Pattern – Phase I
S.No | Subjects | Marks | Duration |
1 | Reasoning | 20 | 120 Minutes |
2 | English Language | 40 | |
3 | Computer Knowledge | 20 | |
4 | General Awareness | 20 | |
5 | Quantitative Aptitude | 20 | |
6 | Economic & Social Issues (with focus on Rural India) | 40 | |
7 | Agriculture & Rural Development (with focus on Rural India) | 40 | |
Total | 200 |
- The preliminary examination will consist of Objective Type Questions
NABARD Grade A Main Exam Pattern
Paper | Subjects | Marks |
I | General English | 100 |
II | Economic and Social Issues and Agri. and Rural Development, Candidates applying Agriculture Post have Test On Related Discipline | 100 |
Total | 200 |
NABARD Assistant Manager Exam syllabus
NABARD AM Grade A and Manager grade B Exam Syllabus for Numerical Ability
- Time Speed and Distance
- Problems on Ages
- Averages
- Simple Interest/ Compound Interest
- Profit and Loss
- Ratio & Proportions
- Percentage
- Mixture and allegations
- Time and Work
- Simplification
- Data Interpretation
- Number System
NABARD Assistant Manager Grade A Syllabus for Computer Knowledge
- Operating System
- MS Word
- MS Power-Point – Presentation
- Internet
- Computer Fundamentals
- Windows
- MS Excel
NABARD Manager Grade B Exam Syllabus for Reasoning Syllabus
- Number Series
- Verbal/Non-Verbal Series
- Ranking of Numbers
- Coding-Decoding
- Blood Relations
- Analogies
- Directions
- Calendars & Clocks
- Mirror Images
- Dice and Cube
- Arithmetical Reasoning
NABARD Asst Manager Syllabus for General Awareness
- Current Affairs – National & International
- Books and Authors
- Sports
- Five Year Plans
- Important Financial & Economic News
- Awards and Honours
- International Current Affairs
- Union Budget
- Banking and Finance
- Famous Personalities
- Science – Inventions & Discoveries
- Business and Economy
- Capitals and Currency
- Famous Places
- Films and Entertainment
- Geography
- Important Days
- Governance
- History
- Indian Politics
- International & National Organizations.
- Days and Dates
- National Current Affairs
NABARD Manager & Assistant Manager Syllabus for English
- Synonyms
- Analogies
- Spelling Mistakes
- Antonyms
NABARD AM Grade A Exam Syllabus English Proficiency
- Idioms and Phrases
- Cloze Tests
- Sentence Formation
- Paragraph Completion
- Sentence Completion
- Sentence Improvement
- One word Substitution
- Rearrangement of words in the sentence
- Rearrangement of Sentence In Paragraph
- Paragraph Formation
- Sentence Reconstruction
- Fill in the Blanks
National Bank Agriculture and Research Development Syllabus English Usage Errors
- Error Correction
- Comprehension
- Sentence correction
- Unseen Passages.
- Sentence Rearrangement
- Vocabulary
- Spotting Errors
- Articles
- Grammar
NABARD Exam Syllabus for Descriptive
- Essay
- Report / Letter Writing
- Precis