MHT CET Syllabus PDF & Exam Pattern @

MHT CET Syllabus PDF and Exam pattern available here. Recently Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai (MSBTE) released lastest Maharashtra MHT CET Syllabus pdf on official website @ Candidates can download Maharashtra MHT CET Syllabus at free of cost. You can also get the latest Maharashtra MHT CET entrance exam Pattern in this page. This exam is carried out you to provide admissions into various universities, colleges or institution.

MHT CET Syllabus and MHT CET Exam Pattern

Every year a huge number of candidates are participating in the Maharashtra MHT CET entrance exam. Every year the authority of Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai will conduct the test and there is a huge competition, the perfect preparation is very essential to crack MHT CET exam. Maharashtra MHT CET Exam for the Academic year -21 is going to be conducted from April . If you are planning to attend MHT CET syllabus the first thing comes to mind is what will be the syllabus for the exam. This syllabus is based on 12th. Here in our site, we are providing the Maharashtra MHT CET Syllabus along with the Exam Pattern. Make use of this Syllabus and Prepare well for the MHT CET Exam.

Maharashtra MHT CET Entrance Exam Syllabus Details

Conducting Authority Name Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai (MSBTE)
MHT CET Entrance Exam Name Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MHT CET )
Category Entrance Exam Syllabus
MHT CET Courses Offered Technical Education & Agriculture
MHT CET Notification Released Date 07th Jan
MHT CET Application Apply Start Date 07th Jan
Exam Date 13th April, 15th April to 18th April and 20th April to 23rd April
MHT CET Hall Ticket or Admit Card Released Date 5th April – 23rd April
MHT CET Official Website

MHT CET Syllabus

How to Download MHT CET Syllabus PDF

  • Visit the website of the Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai (MSBTE) that is
  • Search for syllabus .
  • Next, click on the link and download MHT CET syllabus.
  • Take a print out and prepare well accordingly syllabus.

MHT CET Exam Pattern

Students must have the knowledge of exam pattern of MHT CET along with the syllabus to know about the type of questions, number of questions and marking scheme of the entrance exam. Check the Maharashtra MHT CET Exam Pattern and be prepared for the Exam.

  • Date of Examination:  13th April, 15th April to 18th April  & 20th April to 23rd April .
  • Mode:  online mode (Computer based mode).
  • Answering Mode:  use black ink ball point pen to mark their answers.
  • of Papers:  three papers.
  • Total Marks:  100 marks.
  • Type of Question:  Multiple Choice Questions.
  • Time & Duration of Examination:  one and half hour (90 minutes) for each paper.
  • Language of Question Paper: Mathematics will be asked in English language only. The medium of examination shall be English or Marathi or Urdu for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
  • Negative Marking: There is no negative marking.
Paper Subjects No. of Question (MCQ) Based on Total Marks
Class XI Class XII
Paper 1 Mathematics 10 40 100
Paper 2 Physics 10 40 100
Chemistry 10 40
Paper 3 Biology (Botany) 10 40 100
Biology (Zoology) 10 40

MHT CET Syllabus PDF

Here in this section, we have given MHT CET Syllabus in a Pdf. The Syllabus of MHT CET contain various topics from 12th level. Therefore, all the candidates can download subject wise, topics wise, and sub topics wise in PDF format also.

Physics Syllabus

Class XI Topics:

Measurements, Scalars and Vectors, Force, Friction in Solids and Liquids, Refraction of Light, Ray Optics, Magnetic Effect of Electric Current, Magnetism.

Class XIII Topics:

Projectile Motion,  Sound Waves, Thermal Properties of Matter,  Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Waves Circular Motion, Gravitation, Rotational Motion, Oscillations, Elasticity, Surface Tension, Wave Motion, Stationary Waves, Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation, Wave Theory of Light, Interference and Diffraction, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Electric Current, Magnetism, Electromagnetic Inductions, Electrons and Photons, Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei, Semiconductors and Communication Systems.

Chemistry Syllabus

Class XI Topics:

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, , States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Redox Reactions, Surface Chemistry, Nature of Chemistry Bond, Hydrogen, s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals), Basic Principles and Techniques in Organic Chemistry, Alkanes.

Class XIII Topics:

Structure of Atom, Periodic Table,  Chemical Equilibrium,  p-Block Elements, Alkenes, Alkynes, Aromatic Compounds, Environmental Chemistry, Solid State, Solutions and Colligative Properties, Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetic, Electro-chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements, p-Block elements Group 15 elements, d and f Block Elements d-Block Elements, Coordination Compounds, Halogen Derivatives of Alkanes (and arenes), Alcohols, Phenols and Ether Alcohol, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carbooxylic Acids, Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen. Biomolecules Carbohydrates, Polymers and Chemistry in Everyday Life.

Mathematics Syllabus

Class XI Topics:

Trigonometric Functions, Trigonometric Functions of Compound Angles, Factorization Formulae, Straight Line, Circle and Conics, Sets, Relations and Functions, Sequences & Series, Probability.

Class XII Topics:

Measurement of Angles,  Locus, Vectors, Linear In-equations, Determinants, Matrices, Logarithms, Complex Numbers,  Permutations & Combinations, Mathematical Induction and Binomial Theorem, Limits, Differentiation, Integration, Statistics,  Mathematical Logic Statements, Matrices, Trigonometric Functions, Pair of Straight Lines, Circle, Conics, Vectors, Three Dimensional Geometry, Line, Plane, Linear Programming Problems, Continuity, Differentiation, Applications of Derivative, Integration, Applications of Definite Integral, Differential Equation, Statistics, Probability Distribution and Bernoulli Trials and Binomial Distribution.

Biology Syllabus

Class XI Topics:

For Botany:

Diversity in Organisms, Biochemistry of Cell, Water Relations & Mineral Nutrition, Plant Growth & Development.

For Zoology:

Organization of Cell, Animal Tissues, Human Nutrition, Human Respiration.

Class XII Topics:

For Botany:

Diversity of Living world, Structure and Function of Cell, Structural Organization in Plants and Plant Physiology.

For Zoology:

Diversity in Living world, Structure and Function of Cell, Structural Organization in Animals and Human Physiology.

We provided total information about the Latest Maharashtra MHT CET syllabus and exam pattern . For more such detailed information, Students always check our site

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